Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Deli

Where shall we eat? The Deli Restaurant is a favorite among CAMers. It is just a 5 minute walk from LBN. This time Glenn and I shared soup and sandwich. Others were trying new dishes there.
Trisha Williams and Judy Murphy

Both Trisha and Judy are CAM missionaries working at CAG (Christian Academy of Guatemala). Trisha is begining her 3rd year here as a High School English teacher. Gary had an english course with Miss Williams his Senior year. She is very good. Judy has lived in Guatemala most of her life. She returned to teach at CAG 13 years ago and has specialized in the area of learning disabilities. She even tutors nationals and has a Spanish Bible Study for Guatemalan ladies who are househelpers.
Johnny and Maria Coker are considered "finishers". They have completed a career in the states and have moved down to Guatemala to work on the Centennial Camp out near Sololá. Johnny was in law enforcement and Maria was a nurse. They travel frequently to Guatemala City and have a standing invitation to stay in our guest room. I let them know if we are having other guests and visitors. Once they get to our house, Maria sets out the coffee pot and prepares it for the next morning. They usually set up their lap top and start doing emails and internet (wireless on our dining room table), since they do not have internet connection at their house in Solalá.

More later,


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