Saturday, November 23, 2013

Gotta Belize it

Glenn and I drove 5 hours to the NE port town of Puerto Barrios, Guatemala with the intention of taking a boat across to Punta Gorda to help the Herringtons renew their 90 day visa.  

Upon arriving, meeting with the Immigration officials, discovering the unexpected cost of passage on the 12 passenger vessel and realizing that it was going to take us longer than expected, we decided not to go across the bay.

It was an ALL Day adventure, a good adventure.  We were able to visit with the Herringtons while we traveled in their "new" Isuzu Trooper.  We talked about their ministry, their challenges, their hopes and their dreams.

When I think about it, our original plans were to have lunch in Belize and then come right back.  Those plans were changed.  But I don't believe it was a failed trip. It just was not what we had originally planned.

Proverbs 16:9
The mind of man plans his way,
            But the LORD directs his steps.

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