Friday, November 28, 2008

Fresh Pineapple for Thanksgiving Dinner

Today, we headed from Comitan, Mexico to Fortin de las Flores, Mexico - a full day's drive up over the Sierra Madre Mountains and down to the Gulf coast and over towards Mexico City (not that close).
Fresh Pineapple for 10 pesos - about 70 US cents. Can't beat that.

Pineapple fields on both sides of the Autopista for miles and miles - and little pineapple stands every kilometer or so.
We had the option of already slided pineapple in a baggie, or watch the gal cut the fresh pineapple with a clean knife. We opted out for the special cut. That was the juiciest pineapple I have ever eaten.

Fresh pineapple from the field - best and most unique Thanksgiving meal that Glenn and I have ever had.
We handed out tracts to the family who cut up the pineapple at the fruit stand and tonight in the VIP's parking lot, we gave a 10 year beggar girl the last of the baggie full of pineapple along with a tract. Yesterday we gave a Guatemalan border guard a handful of tracts Pray that all these tracks would bear fruit.
We have arrived at the CAMex Conference location. We look forward in the next 4 days to love on, encourage, listen to and get to know the missionaries better.
More later,
We did arrive in Fortin de las Flores to watch the 2nd half of the Dallas Cowboy game!


  1. hey, thinks for the heads up...I never know who read my blogsite.
