Thursday, October 12, 2006

Instituto Bíblico Ebenezer
Saturday morning at 5am, Oct 7, Glenn and David and Helen Eckstrom left for the small village of Nenton, near Huehuetenango and arrived in Nenton at 9:20am. I would tell you the kilometers, but we go by hours. Graduation was at 9:30 so they arrived just in the nick of time. The church folks served them breakfast when they arrived and then lunch after the graduation ceremony,both meals with lots of tortillas. One of the two grads, Ovidio, is one of the Eckstrom's consultants on the Chuj translation of the Bible. The graduation was from about 9:45 until 12:45. Everyone had the opportunity to go up to the front and give a gift to the grads. There was a long line of gifts. Every church in attendance was introduced. Glenn said a few words of greeting. However, remember most of the service was in Chuj, not in Spanish.

Glenn used 4 wheel drive the last hour to Nenton because of the road conditions. He said the hour on the return to the pavement was just terrible. It rained hard during the graduation and all afternoon.

Glenn and Eckstroms returned on Sunday afternoon back into Guatemala City. Then on Monday night we read in the paper there had been a bus accident (42 Guatemalans were killed) right on same road they had traveled on earlier.

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