Wednesday, October 21, 2015

HB to me

HB to me!

My friends... who are they and how do I know them?
It is interesting when I reflect on the list of those of you who took the time to write personal Birthday greetings to me. Besides being my friends, you have blessed me from any of the following contexts:

White Rock and North Lake Elementary School
Lake Highlands High School
Moody Bible Institute
John Brown University Parent Council
missionaries and friends from Bolivia
missionaries and friends from Guatemala

churches we have attended together
childhood , HS or college friends of Glenn
relatives  and neighbors
prayer warriors and supporters

Thank you to all of you who sent me your Birthday Greetings.  I am blessed to have you as a part of my life.  Y'all rock my socks off.

How did I spend my day?
Yesterday, I celebrated my 59th birthday.  It started out with breakfast at IHOP, then I had a skype call with my grandkids, followed by a nap, enjoyed the movie "The Bridge of Spies" with Tom Hanks at the VIP Oakland Mall with an unexpected cancellation of dinner plans followed by an evening of reading all of my FaceBook wall postings and watching Chicago Cubs baseball.

Thank Y'all!

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