Monday, March 07, 2011

Moving Day

Jordan and Hannah, plus 2 kids have been living with us for the past 7 weeks
(from January 14 - March 3)
 as they waited for their apartment to free up and for Hannah to begin Spanish Language classes at CSA.  We thoroughly loved having them stay with us.  They were very much understanding when I couldn't prepare too many meals because of my broken ankle, and Hannah would jump right in and she made herself at home.  Those are the types of guests I like.

In the mean time, we helped them learn a little more about their adopted country.
  • They shadowed us as we continued our "pastoral care" job here, and we introduced them to the CAM Guatemala family here on the field.
  • Jordan went with Glenn several times to SETECA for "Lunes del Pastor".
  • We took a trip through Chimaltenango to Patzún to Panajachel, then to Quetzalentango and then down to the Pacific coast near Monterrico visiting missionaries along the way.
  • Glenn helped them open up a Guatemalan bank account, showed them how to get money out of an ATM machine and other necessary stuff to survive here.
  • Each time we went out, we tried to show them landmarks along the way as they learn how to drive in this confusing city.
  • We shopped for vehicles with them.
  • We took each other to the city zoo, our first time there.
  • And we basically got to "spoil" their kids as we "gear up" to become Grandparents.
  • We arranged for missionaries to have them over for a meal or go out for dinner, giving them a chance to meet our wonderful CAM Guatemala family.
 "don't forget Baby Grace"
    Now we have said "goodbye" to the Selfs as they study at Christian Spanish Academy for several months.  Glenn will still check up on them as they progress with their Spanish and we'll visit them on occasion.

    Please pray for the Selfs as they study Spanish, get accustomed to Guatemala and learn the culture.  In summary, it was a long time to have 2 families living together, however, they were very flexible with our schedule, creative in learning about new things and they "rolled with the punches"Thanks for staying with us Hannah and Jordan. 


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