Friday, June 07, 2019

Day 11 Santa Rosa, NM - Adrian, Texas

Day 11 Santa Rosa, New Mexico - Adrian, Texas
Miles - 107
How many broken-down wooden windmills - 44
Turtles in the middle of the road - 1

Good morning.  Today, actually we were on time.  We had folks bring their luggage out by the van by 7:15am and it was all pack and we were ready to roll by 8:00am.  We're finally getting it together.

There are two things that help Glenn in the process of packing.  He puts on a dirty shirt, not the one he'll wear all day, and the 2nd thing he uses are those styrofoam knee pads.  He put down a plywood floor to help move the luggage around and at times, Glenn is definitely on his knees.  I think he has it down to a science.   We had a short devotion then headed to Annie's diner.  The cyclists got their food first and then loaded up for the 107 mile trip.  

To avoid Interstate 40, which is also Route 66, the cyclist biked south and then east and then back north to Interstate 40.  There was nothing to see.  Barron land.  It was hot too.  Lots of blue sky.  Again, Glenn followed behind and the Pathfinder was ahead with the 2 camera people.  Several times they deployed the drone or they took shots as the cyclists drove by.  

I did take a "cat nap" in the morning.  My knees and ankles, especially my ankles were swollen, so I stuck them up on the dashboard.  That really helped.  We stopped once or twice before we stopped for lunch.  Again, there was nothing out in the desert land of northeastern part of New Mexico.  No towns.  No one to run across and have a conversation with.

We had a picnic lunch out in the hot sun.  The cyclists came and sat in the air-condition van to cool off.  Una message Wes's calves at one point.  We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and also ham and cheese.  Fruit was apple, grapes and bananas.  Before the cyclists would get on their bikes again, Glenn and I would fill their bottles up with water.  We ran out of "clean ice".  But at least we had water.  

Again, there was no gas station or convenience stores to stop at.  The gals needed to go to the bathroom, so Una and Jeff drive on up ahead and they spot a small town, about 1.5 miles off the road that had a community church.  Walk in, and in the back is the bathroom.  Boom.  Problem solve.

Wes and Neil cycle until past the 100 mile marker and then we head onto the interstate.  We have dinner at the Russell's Truck Stop just before the Texas/New Mexico State line.  Glenn and I shared a chicken fried steak dinner.  We visited with Wes.  And Neal visited with a couple that wanted to have a conversation.  He was in the navy and was an Admiral.  I don't know exactly what they talked about, but I took a photo and then sent a quick message to Kris who   prayed for Neil.  

Our overnight accommodations at in Adrian at the Fabulous 40's Motel.  The air-condition works.  and I'm getting caught up on my blog.  I was also able to get on the internet and pay a bill to Darla.  Glenn and I went outside to watch the ISS fly over.

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