Friday, December 27, 2013

A Thrill of Hope

How many times have I sung these words?  Today they seemed different.

Over the Christmas holiday, I had major surgery, a hysterectomy and bladder lift.  2 days later, I was released from the hospital with a catheter.  Today, I got that out!   So, the holidays for me were filled with pain, no special programs, lots and lots of bed rest and frequent potty breaks.  

The nurse says I'm doing well.  I cannot lift more than 5 pounds.  How am I going play with my grand-babies?.  I guess I can hold them:)

Thank you, Cassandra, for sharing your picture (with permission).

1 comment:

  1. So glad the surgery is behind you and better health is ahead! Take care. [Good wieght-loss program, too. :)]
