Saturday, July 06, 2013

Baaaah Peeeeeaaaas

David has been calling me Bahpees (pronounced Baaaah Peas) for several months now.

Over two years ago, Luke and Ellen asked us what 
we wanted the grandkids to call us.  We thought and liked 
GrandDad for Glenn, since our good friend, Jeff, uses that name. 
And I liked Grammie, because another dear friend, Linda, uses it also.

However, David refuses to use the word Grammie.  Instead, he calls me Baah Peas.  It is the Spanish word, term of endearment.  We've kept David several times at our house, and you can over hear our next door neighbor's kids yelling at the top of their lungs to their parents and grandparent, "Paa Pee".

Or Check out this video of David.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when grandkids make up their own names for grandparents. My daughter took Grammy and turned it into Ammie and my mother is still Ammie to this day.
