Friday, February 05, 2010

5th Stop - St. Kitts


Yes, we did the mo-ped thing.  We explored the eastern side of the island where the beaches are white and the water is crystal clear and the sides of the mountains drop off into the ocean.  We bumped into our friends from the day before.  We had a picnic lunch with them.  We swam in the ocean and visited with our new friends.  

(if by the way, Glenn and Jeannie, if you read this blog/FB post, please email us or leave a comment, as we don't have a way to contact you)


We wanted to explore the other side of the island, however after filling the gas tank up, Glenn couldn't start the mo-ped.  With time running out, Glenn called the owner of the mo-ped, and he came to rescue us.  Fortunately we were not too far from the boat dock.  Finally, after we turned in the mo-ped, we found an internet cafe, and caught up on emails very briefly. 


We spent another great day on another island in the Caribbean.


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