On Sunday night, just before we were to settle down for our second night at La Casa del Mundo, we looked out our bedroom window and saw a raging brush fire all along the ridge just NE of where we were staying. It was 2 ridges away.
The staff assured us that this was normal during dry season, not to worry. Most of the patrons at this small hostel/hotel were outside watching the fire creep slowly towards us. The winds were horrific, causing the fires to spread quickly.
We could see small flash lights dotted all along the hillside where employees and even residents of the local village of Santa Cruz and Jaibalito were helping by digging trenches and clearing out the underbrush.
After settling down in our room, bags packed and fully clothed we heard at 12:45am in plain English, "Casa Del Mundo - GET OUT!" We decided it was no use to stay there any longer. The fire had advanced to the closest ridge by then and was threatening to top the ridge and head down towards us. The smoke was getting thick and the ashes were blowing around. Glenn contracted with a small water taxi to shuttle the 20 remaining patrons for the 30 minute ride back to Panajachel.
We counted out - 19 total with 1 boat driver. We looked around and saw the 7 life jackets stored over-head. Everyone's luggage was on the roof of the boat, and so we took off.
Today, we called the hotel/hostel to see how the establishment made it through the fire. It was reported that their "storage shed" was destroyed. Thankfully no other buildings were destroyed.
Click here to see a Youtube video
"It only takes a spark to get the fire going."
Wow! What a close call! So glad everyone got out safe and no major damage was done to the main property.