Today, Tuesday, just 6 days after arriving here in Guatemala, we got our computers all wired up and connected with the internet. The speed is NOT as fast as what we were use to in Dallas, but, wow, at least we have email. Glenn is still working on the reception of the IP phone. It seems to be very choppy, so bear with us, and hopefully that will be resolved.
So, far, we have moved completely into the house. We've been eating off of paper plates and making do with the limited utensils that we have. I still need to buy some dishes, pots and pans, cookie sheets and good knives. We have been creative in our cooking these last few days. However, that hasn't stopped us from having friends over.
On Saturday night, we had Dr. Un-Young Wang (from MBI's Music dept) and Mona Coalter along with Chris Pater here for our first hosted meal for company in our home.

I fixed the cranberry chicken recipe that I got from Kathy Shea. It was pretty good. Then tonight, we had 2 single guys over for beans and rice, a Stewart tradition that we would eat once a week when living in Bolivia.
They call it Winter here now, because it is rainy season. It rains nearly every day, normally in the late afternoon, and sometimes all day. That means, I need to make sure the clothes are off the line and that the wind doesn't blow the rain into the open windows. My office door to the outdoor patio leaks. Note to self: keep rag nearby, especially during the rainy season.
More later about our adjustments to Guatemala.